The topic of responsible and sustainable animal agriculture has received a lot of attention in recent years, but these concepts are nothing new to the American farmer
Last week my classmates and I presented our final projects for the Cornell Dairy Fellows program, which serves as an opportunity to synthesize all the things we’ve learned throughout our undergraduate...
I was once told by a vet, “The scours didn't kill your calf, you did.” I was completely appalled at the fact that he had just accused me of letting my calf die
Before we made the actual purchase of our voluntary milking systems, we went and looked at many different farms that had them. We wanted to see the pros and cons and how the herds were managed
The other night, our robotic milkers called 36 times with one alarm or another. My dad got an early start on morning milking simply because he had been up since 11 p.m. the night prior tending to the robots
As many of you know, we switched to a robotic milking system last November. When we made the change, we had a pretty good idea of how things would go initially
No one knows the exact extent that this pandemic will affect how we go about daily life in the future, but just as with historical events in the past, it’s clear that some things will remain changed
This week is forecasted to be hot in nearly every dairy producing part of the country. Month-long predictions have much of the same with above average temperatures expected for all of July